Tryout Prep Camp
Address: Sportika
150 Woodward Rd.
Manalapan NJ 07726
This Tryout Prep camp is geared towards girls aged 13-18 who are going into their HS Tryouts. Athletes must be registered directly into one of the two levels available which corresponds with their experience level. Space is limited in each group.
6 total hours over 2 Friday Nights:
2/5/21 (6-9PM)​
2/12/21 (6-9PM)
Cost: $175 if registered/paid by Feb 2
$215 if registered/paid after Feb 2
Included with cost:
- Participation in full tryout prep camp
- Insured by K&K Insurance (no extra fee)
- Shore Volleyball Academy Shirt
Advanced- This group is reserved for those who have previously played on a HS level team, or have several years of year-round club experience.
Regular- This group is reserved for those who are new to the sport, have only participated in some clinics/camps, and those who have only played middle-school volleyball.
*Anyone wishing to register with a group that is different than the one that meets their experience should contact us first for approval at
Should my daughter do the regular or the advanced program, her experience level is right on the border?
If it is not clear, send us an email at and we can help place you.
I can only attend one of the two nights, can I still participate?
Technically yes you can, but we will not be pro-rating any registrations as we expect the program to fill and a waiting list started weeks before it even starts.
Are you planning any other indoor programs?
At this time, we would not be planning to run anything during the official HS season. We do hope to have our usual indoor summer camps for 2021, as well as year 2 of our summer beach volleyball clinic.
What is the Tryout Prep Camp?
This program was created to prepare athletes for their February 2021 HS volleyball tryouts, which were delayed due to COVID. In a non-pandemic year, we host a 4 day long HS Boot Camp during the summer. With all that is going on, this is our best effort to pack all of that into two evenings run by some of our best college level coaches.
This program will follow all restrictions and guidelines set forth by the state of NJ.
This program best serves all female athletes( Girls ages 13-18). We will have two levels open for registration.
Our Regular group will spend time teaching/refining the techniques required to play the sport of volleyball (Passing, Setting, Hitting, Serving, Blocking, Defense), while also pushing athletes in some game-like situations later into each session.
Our Advanced group will also spend time on refining the techniques they already have with high repetitions, high paced skill and drill work, as well as game like situations through each session.
Upon either group filling up, we would start a waiting-list for those interested in attending if a spot were to open up. Payment does not need to be made for the waiting list, but we do ask that you complete the registration form so we have your full information.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at with any questions or concerns.
Updated 10/13/20

There are A LOT of moving parts, as we have to follow regulations of the state of NJ, the town where the camp/clinic is being held, the facility/location, and our insurance company. These are subject to change based on requirements of any of the above organizations.
- 100% refunds will be given to those unable to attend for any illness related reason. Please still let us know as early as possible, as our staffing/plans are formatted for the # of athletes we expect. Participation numbers may be limited to ensure social distancing practices are followed, so please just communicate with us.
- If an athlete has to pull out during camp/clinic (Athlete OR Family Member becomes ill/has a fever), a portion of the paid fee's will be returned based on how many sessions the athlete participated in prior to being removed. This is to ensure no athlete feels the need to continue to "get their moneys worth"
- A new COVID Medical Form has been created. To ensure it is accurate, this form may not be submitted more than 1 week prior to any Shore Volleyball Academy Clinic/Camp. Parent/Guardian will need to sign that the athlete has not had symptoms, or been exposed to anyone with symptoms for 14 days prior to the start date.
- Athletes will be REQUIRED to have their own water bottle, which will be kept with the athlete at all times.
- Additional information will be sent the week leading up to your camp/clinic based on the most up to date information. While we are not receiving weekly updates from the state like we were in the summer, there is still the possibility of new/different restrictions.
- Athletes will be given priority based on the order they sign up AND make a deposit. If the state of NJ takes a step back on restrictions to limit group sizes even smaller, those who signed up latest would be removed from camp and refunded 100%.
- Temperature Checks for all/random selections before each session(As of November 13th- Sportika is temperature checking every person entering the building).
- Required temperature checks by parent/guardian before each session, with parent signing at check-in this was completed and athlete is in the clear
- Required social distancing during check-ins, water breaks, huddles, etc.
- Separate check-in locations for groups to maintain some distancing
- Masks requirements for athletes (based on NJ regulations)/ Coaches in masks
- Athletes kept in the same court/group for the entire session
- Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns at . Please understand much of this section concerning COVID is for athlete safety.